unadulterated street fashion since 2007

Tuesday, November 9, 2010

Tina - 18th Street, SF

tina18 - san francisco street fashion style
"I like vintage a lot, but I'm also into the high-waisted, Audry Hepburn; long skirts and the fluffy, poufy layers and birds. Birds are definitely inspirational, I don't know, my boyfriend thinks that I dress like a bird in some weird way. But I like to wear a lot of ruffles, lots of blazers, sort of that nerdy vintage, secretary style... That 1970s secretary look. Definitely."

Tina blogs at City Girl Rides and is a big believer in looking your best while on bike. It's an ethos that I share (even if I am seemingly unsuccessful at it). I like her cheery yellow skirt, how that contrasts with her gray blazer and her very cute curled hair.
tina18_closeup - san francisco street fashion style

A look at her flats.
tina18_shoes - san francisco street fashion style

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Blogger christina said...

i realized that i forgot the most important influence to my wardrobe, Frida Kahlo, I'm obsessed with her. I used to wear lot's of greys but she gave me to courage to wear bright yellows, reds, blues, green colors. although I do tone them down with something dark like grey, black, navy, it wakens the outfit, it looks chic.

November 13, 2010 at 10:25 AM  

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